The 2026 Annual Convention of the MFCF, Midwest Showman's Association, and the MN State Fair is January 15-18.
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*This is a Tentative Schedule and is subject to change.*

Thursday, January 16, 2025

4:00 p.m. - Joint Meeting of the MN State Ag Society, Midwest Showmen’s Association, and the MN Federation of County Fairs

Bloomington Room
Presided by MFCF President Don Merkens

5:00 p.m. - MN Federation of County Fairs Board Meeting

Bloomington Room
Presided by MFCF President Don Merkens

5:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. - MFCF Registration

Grand Ballroom Foyer

6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. - Midwest Showmen’s Association Open House

Grand Ballroom
Come enjoy complimentary food and beverage. Support the great work of the Midwest Showmen’s Association by supporting the silent and live auctions!

6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. - SHARING TABLE: What’s on Your Mind?

Moderator: Troy Beise, MFCF District 6 Director
Edina Room

Friday, January 17, 2025

8:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. - MFCF Registration

Grand Ballroom Foyer

8:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. - Convention Socialization

Bloomington Room

8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. - State Agricultural Society Office Open

Grand Ballroom Foyer

9:00 a.m. - General Session - Keynote

Grand Ballroom East
Kim Snyder
Excelsior Bay Group, Founder
See Keynote Speaker Bio Here

10:30 a.m. - Refreshment Break

Edina Room
Sponsored by: Loret Foods

10:45 a.m. - General Session

Grand Ballroom East

IAFE Update
Come and learn what’s new in Zone 4, get up to date on the IAFE and the upcoming meeting in St. Cloud!
Jill Albanese, IFMG - IAFE Zone 4 Director and Competitive
Exhibits Director with the Wisconsin State Fair

11:15 a.m. - General Session

Grand Ballroom East

MN County Fair Grant Program Update*

Get an update on the grant programs (including AGRI andLegacy Funding) and learn what qualifies. Get tips for the application and close-out process.

Dacia Hinkhouse, Grants Supervisor MN Dept. of Agriculture
*Dacia will be holding “Office Hours” and will be available to meet and answer your questions 1:1. Stay tuned for more information on how you can reserve a time with her at convention and get all of your individual grant questions answered!

12:00PM – 1:00 pm - LUNCH - New York Deli Buffet

Grand Ballroom East

1:00 p.m. - Sessions

Fair Boards for First-Timers!
Come and learn about some common calendar items and points to ponder for all fairs, hear about the MFCF and its role in Minnesota's fairs. Learn what to take away from convention as well as how to best serve your board throughout the year. If you have any questions, this is a great place to ask them!

Edina Room
Presenters: Zach Rinehart, MFCF District 2 Director, Brian Grunhovd, MFCF District 9 Director

Electrical Licensing and Inspection Information for Fair Board Members
This presentation will be on electrical safety on fairgrounds' permanent and temporary structures, electrical licensing, and inspection requirements.
Plaza 1
Presenters: Steven Dudley, Senior Electrical Representative

Understanding the Landscape of Marketing in Today’s Digital World

Join us in learning what has changed in the Marketing and Digital World today and what
you need to do to understand and keep up with this ever changing industry!

Plaza 6
Presenters: Roger Sievers, Owner of Sievers Creative

Sharing Table Discussion: All things OPEN CLASS!
From premiums to displays, come hear from your fellow fair boards on what works for them and how they have seen success in creating and maintaining a thriving open class program at their fair!
Plaza 3

County Fair Grant Q and A
There will not be a presentation. Use this time to bring your questions to Dacia!
Plaza 5
Presenter: Dacia Hinkhouse, MN Dept of Ag Grants Specialist

Immediately following Dacia’s Q&A she will be available for private appointments to answer any of your specific questions or concerns regarding your fair’s current or outstanding grants!
*Sign up available at registration*

Partnering with Farm Bureau to Tell the Story of Agriculture
County fairs across the state began as an opportunity to showcase agriculture in the area, and that goal still holds true today. With a presence in every county, learn how you can partner with your local Farm Bureau to tell the story of agriculture at your county fair – whether that be through displays/exhibits, events, or recognition. TheFarm Bureau has resources for all of this and more!
Plaza 2
Presenter: Robin E. Kinney, Director, Membership and Marketing
Minnesota Farm Bureau Federation

2:15 p.m. - Sessions

Simplifying Fair Planning with ChatGPT

Plaza 6
Presenter: Larissa Guetter, Chief Marketing Officer at ATV Big Air Tour

Working with County Fair Boards to Support Minnesota 4-Hers
This session will include a state of MN 4-H address along with updates on county and state showcase events. The workshop will be interactive and will include time for discussion.
Plaza 4
Presenters: Jennifer A. Skuza, Associate Dean and MN 4-H State Director;
Amber Greeley, Director of State and County Fairs Programs;
Sharon Davis, Director of Animal Science

Can Do Canines Presentation and What to Know About ADA Compliance at Your Fair!

Edina Room
Presenters: Laurie Carlson with Can do Canines

2025 Guide to Fair Management with the Board of Animal Health
Members from the MN Board of Animal Health will review State requirements for MN county fairs. We will provide resources and information on manager activities, animal ID, and common challenges and questions.
Plaza 2
Presenters: Dr. Katie Cornille, Senior Veterinarian;
Nancy Reeck, State Program Administrator
MN Board of Animal Health

Sharing Table Discussion: Grandstand Events!

From the Demo Derby or Tractor Pull to any other Grandstand events your fair organizes
(outside of music concerts), come and hear what others are doing to make their events

Plaza 1

Sharing Table Discussion: Working to be a Good Neighbor - Creating Healthy Relationships Within Your Community

What does it take to create a healthy relationship within your community? Come learn
from each others experiences about what it takes to work well as a board in creating a lasting
positive legacy in your community

Plaza 3

3:15 p.m. - Refreshment Break

Plaza Foyer
Sponsored by: Schroder Concessions

3:30 p.m. - Sessions

Sharing Table Discussion: How to Run a Successful Beer Garden at Your Fair!
Come join others in learning what makes a beer garden run successfully, share your struggles and successes and learn what works and what doesn’t for your neighboring fairs!
Edina Room

Interested in Learning More About the Showmen?
Members of the Midwest Showmen's Association are hosting an informational session all about the Club. If you are interested in learning more about what the Showmen are all about and possibly joining their membership, stop in and check it out.
Plaza 5
Presenters: Panelists from the Midwest Showmen Association

ReThink Everything
This popular presentation may change your mind on everything you have ever done, from marketing, sponsorships, entertainment buying, venue layout, and partnerships. What if every change resulted in more income, less expense and more value for your clients. Can you imagine if every solution to every problem resulted in more revenue by simply fixing the problem. This presentation us as Fair Managers, Board Members and Staff do to look at things through a different lens. See it from another angle and discover buried treasures right beneath our noses.
Plaza 6
Presenter: Kyle Palmer, Senior Agent, Artists & Attractions

Growing Continued Interest in Livestock Exhibiting!

Plaza 1
Presenter: Emily Grunewald, Red River Valley Fair - North Dakota

Networking Circles:
Come together with fellow board officers, it will be a time to meet new people and build your network! This time will NOT include a formal presentation or workshop, so be sure to bring your business cards and be ready to ask questions, share successes and build relationships with fellow board members who share a similar role!
Board President - Plaza 2
Moderator: Don Merkens; MFCF President

Board Secretary - Plaza 3
Moderator: Troy Beise, MFCF District 6 Director

Board Treasurer - Plaza 4
Moderator: Jen Penzenstadler, MFCF District 3 Director

4:00 pm – 6:00 pm - Trade Show Opens

(Trade Show closed between the hours of 6pm and 7pm)

4:30 p.m. - MFCF Committee Meetings

Audit - Atrium 8
Credentials - Plaza 7
MN County Fair Alumni Meeting - Edina Room

5:00PM - Youth Professionals Social Gathering!

Come meet with other young professionals who are working their way through the fair world with you! Relaxed, social get together... but bring your business cards
Gathering space outside of the Edina Room

6:00PM - MFCF Banquet Dinner - Mustard and Herb Crusted Turkey Dinner

- Doors Open at 5:45PM
Grand Ballroom – Convention Badge Required

7:00 pm – 11:00 pm - Trade Show Open

7:00 pm – 10:00 pm - Silent Auction Open

Bloomington Room

7:05PM – 10:00PM - Showcase

Grand Ballroom
Showcase Lineup Here

11:00 pm - Trade Show Closes

Saturday, January 18, 2025

8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. - MFCF Registration

Grand Ballroom Foyer

8:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. - Convention Socialization

Bloomington Room

8:00 A.M. – 9:15 A.M. - Light Breakfast - Continental+

Grand Ballroom

9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. - State Agricultural Society Office Open

Grand Ballroom Foyer

9:30 a.m. - Sessions

Working with County Fair Boards to Support Minnesota 4-Hers
This session will include a state of MN 4-H address along with updates on county and state showcase events. The workshop will be interactive and will include time for discussion.
Atrium 6
Presenters: Jennifer A. Skuza, Associate Dean and MN 4-H State Director;
Amber Greeley, Director of State and County Fairs Programs;
Sharon Davis, Director of Animal Science

Partnering with Farm Bureau to Tell the Story of Agriculture
County fairs across the state began as an opportunity to showcase agriculture in the area, and that goal still holds true today. With a presence in every county, learn how you can partner with your local Farm Bureau to tell the story of agriculture at your county fair – whether that be through displays/exhibits, events, or recognition. Farm Bureau has resources for all of this and more!
Edina Room
Presenter: Robin E. Kinney, Director, Membership and Marketing
Minnesota Farm Bureau Federation

Panel Discussion: Junior Fair Boards
Come hear from a team that has successfully developed and maintained a thriving junior fair board. Hear about their successes and learn how a similar program could benefit your organization!
Plaza 1
Presenters: Panelists from Carver County, Minnesota

Electrical Licensing and Inspection Information for Fairs
This presentation is for owner/operators of carnivals, inflatables, concessions, circuses, or any other transitory use of electrical power. We will address the licensing and inspection requirements.
Plaza 7
Presenters: Steven Dudley, Senior Electrical Representative and
Wade Schlie, Electrical Area Representative, MN Department of Labor and Industry

NICA - National Independent Concessionaires Association Inc.

Come join and learn what the National Independent Concessionaires Association
does and what it has to offer small fairs throughout the state!

Plaza 2
Dennis Larson, National Independent Concessionaires Association

Can Do Canines Presentation and What to Know About ADA Compliance at Your Fair!

Plaza 3
Presenters: Laurie Carlson with Can do Canines

10:30 a.m. - Refreshment Break

Plaza Foyer
Sponsored by: Variety Attractions

10:45 a.m. - Federation Caucuses

District 1 - Plaza 4
District 2 - Atrium 4
District 3 - Plaza 3
District 4 - Atrium 8
District 5 - Plaza 7
District 6 - Plaza 5
District 7 - Plaza 1
District 8 - Plaza 2
District 9 - Atrium 7

You are encouraged to attend your district’s caucuses, even if you are not a delegate or alternate. However, if you do not attend a caucus, the following sessions are available to you:

10:45 a.m. - Sessions

Legislative Update with the Federation Lobbyist
Come and hear about where we are headed on the legislative front, how your financial support helps move fair initiatives forward on Capitol Hill in St. Paul, and learn how it is working with politicians.
Edina Room
Presenters: AJ Duerr and Cory Bennett, MFCF Lobbyists

Social Media: Creating a Plan For Lasting Engagement & the Use of Engaging Content to Reach Younger Audiences

Atrium 6
Presenter: Roger Sievers, Owner of Sievers Creative

11:15 a.m. (or following Federation Caucuses) - State Ag Society Caucuses

District 2 - Atrium 4
District 8 - Plaza 2

12:00 p.m. - LUNCHEON

Grand Ballroom
- Doors open at 11:45 a.m.

1:30 p.m. - Sessions

First Aid at your Fair - Preparing Yourself For Anything!

Plaza 1
Presenters: Kelly Riepe

Legislative Update with MFCF Lobbyists

Edina Room
Presenters: AJ Duerr and Cory Bennett, MFCF Lobbyists

Better Together; Partnering with 4-H
Come to this panel discussion and learn some of our keys to success in building relationships between extension staff, local county 4-H programs, and fair boards.
Plaza 6
Presenters: Amber Greeley, Director of State and County Fair Programs
Ann Church, Extension Educator - Washington County
Tracy Ignaszewski, Extension Educator - Steele County
Alysa Tulibaski, Extension Educator - Marshall County
Moderators: Minnesota County or District Director

Sharing Table Discussion: Quickbooks 101
Come hear and learn from each other about the basics of the program, gain general knowledge on how the program can benefit your organization and hear from fellow County Board Treasurers on the specifics on how the program has helped them achieve financial stability.
Plaza 3

Intro to Canva: Using Visual Design to Elevate Your Fair's Marketing

Plaza 5
Presenter: Larissa Guetter, Chief Marketing Officer at ATV Big Air Tour

Panel Struggling with Participation in your County Fair Talent Contests?
Come talk about struggles to boost engagement and build on ideas with representatives from the Minnesota State Fair.
Plaza 2
Presenter: Shannon Buchda, Minnesota State Fair

2:30 p.m. - Refreshment Break

Plaza Foyer
Sponsored by: Spectrum Weather and Specialty Insurance

2:45 p.m. - Sessions

Competitive Exhibits 101

Plaza 1
Presenters: Jill Albanese, IFMG - IAFE Zone 4 Director and Competitive
Exhibits Director with the Wisconsin State Fair & Troy Beise, IFMG - Wright County Fair

Sharing Table Discussion: Security at Your Fair

Plaza 5

Alcohol Awareness

Come learn the current guidelines and general ins and outs on alcohol service from the
Minnesota Municipal Beverage Association!

***Reminder this is a 90 minute Session***
Plaza 6
Presenter: Minnesota Municipal Beverage Association
Moderator: Minnesota County or District Director

The Structure for Success!
Learn the importance of building a board structure that allows you to move your fair forward. Creating boundaries that allow your staff to walk with confidence into the future is important! Be prepared to take away valuable references that will allow you to identify different personalities and work ethics within your board and gain insight on how to create a TEAM approach that will allow everyone to better serve the organization!
Atrium 4
Presenter: Kyle Palmer, Senior Agent, Artists & Attractions

Sharing Table Discussion: Grandstand Music Entertainment
Come learn from fellow Fair boards on how they have developed a successful Music Concert reputation. From ticketing, securing agents, seating and more... Learn what has worked for them and how you can apply to your fair.
Plaza 2

Connect with the Minnesota State Fair

Come hear from Renee Alexander, current leader and CEO of the Minnesota State Fair!

Plaza 4
Presenter: Renee Alexander, CEO of the Minnesota State Fair

4:30 p.m. - Trade Show Opens

4:30 p.m - Silent Auction Closes

Bloomington Room
- Successful bidders should pay in the Bloomington Room.

7:00PM – 10:00pm - Evening Showcase

Grand Ballroom
Showcase Lineup Here

11:00 pm - Trade Show Closes

Sunday, January 19, 2025

7:00 a.m. – 8:00 a.m. - State Agricultural Society Office Open

Grand Ballroom Foyer

8:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. - State Fair Breakfast and Annual Meeting

Grand Ballroom - Ticket Required

10:00 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. - State Fair Life Member Meeting

Atrium 2

10:15 a.m. – Noon - State Fair Board Meeting

Atrium 7

The Minnesota Federation of County Fairs Annual Business Meeting will be held in the Edina Room approximately 15 minutes after the conclusion of the State Fair Breakfast and Annual Meeting.
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