Today, she leads the firm’s work in the areas of philanthropy, strategy, and governance and has
provided counsel to scores of clients across the Twin Cities and greater Minnesota. She has consulted
with nonprofits of all sizes and stages of maturity, always working in partnership with staff and board
members to develop their skills and confidence to lead, govern and take effective action.
Additionally, Kim provides coaching to dozens of nonprofit staff and board members across the State
every year on topics ranging from major gift solicitation to good governance. She is also the
Consultant in Residence for both the Mankato Area Foundation and Willmar Area Community
Foundation—a role that allows her to provide free, targeted consultation to qualifying nonprofits in
Kandiyohi, Blue Earth, and Nicollet counties in order to build their internal capacity to advance the
pace of change.
Kim was educated at the University of Minnesota, earning a BA in history and an MA in Public Policy
from the Humphrey Institute with emphases in non-profit management and education policy.
Presently, Kim serves as a volunteer for her local food shelf and a mentor at the Carlson School of
Management. Throughout her career she has served on the boards, development, or advisory
committees for: Charities Review Council, Dress for Success Twin Cities, MN Adoption Resource
Network, MinnPost, MN Indian Women’s Resource Center, Minnetonka Public Schools Foundation,
Southwest Minnesota Initiative Fund, and Willmar Area Community Foundation.