The 2026 Annual Convention of the MFCF, Midwest Showman's Association, and the MN State Fair is January 15-18.
Home > CONVENTION > Fair Person of the Year

Fair Person of the Year

Each Fair District is encouraged to nominate multiple recipients for this prestigious award. Please let us all know how much you value their efforts.

Deadline for submission is November 25, 2024, with the award presented at the annual Minnesota Federation of County Fairs Convention held annually in January. The following criteria will be considered:

Nominees can be fair board members, supervisors, volunteers, etc. – anyone who has made an impact to your county fair.

1) Why should this person receive the County Fair Person of the Year?
2) County Fair Service (i.e. committees he/she has been on).
3) Year started with the fair. Include offices held and number of years of service,
4) Describe innovative leadership given to a special county fair project,
5) Honors received from fair board, city, county, or other.
6) Other interests: community, church, etc.

Maximum of 4 pages of additional/optional information may be added, including letters of recommendation.
(Optional: Include any newspaper articles, pictures, etc. that describe achievements.)

For more information, please contact:
Jennifer Rouillard Tichy

Judging will take place in November so county contact persons can be notified prior to the convention.

Honor our fair people to let them know how much we value their efforts.
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